When is the trash collected?

Texas Disposal Systems collects trash on Tuesday mornings. Cans may be placed at the curb no earlier than 6pm the day before. (Black lids) Recycle bins are collected every other week. (Gold lids) All bins must be removed and placed out of view as soon as possible after pickup, but no later than the following Wednesday morning. This is a common violation that could lead to a fine.

Can I change my landscaping?

If you are planning a major landscaping change, it is required that you get prior approval from the association. Contact the Architectural Control Committee using the email address below. 


Please include your full name, street address and a contact information alongside any questions or submitted proposals.

What are the fines if I forget to mow my yard?

Fines for covenant and/or by-law violations are below, both landlords and renters are contacted about fines. Please note that all unpaid fines or annual dues are levied on the property when sold, with interest and penalties included.  It’s best to just avoid the violation!
1st violation – warning
2nd violation – $25 fine
3rd violation – $50 fine
4th violation – $100 fine
5th violation – $200 fine

I am thinking about repainting the exterior of my home. What do I need to know to stay in compliance with the neighborhood?

Contact the HOA for guidance. We have a strict color scheme that must be adhered to. Failure to comply could prove very costly.

How much are dues?

Dues are $180 per year, billed in February.

When do we meet with HOA Board?

Once a year, usually in January, we will hold our meeting. Notices will be sent out in advance.

Is there anything else I should know about the Village?

Other violations that could lead to fines:
Grass clippings and other lawn material may not be discarded on Association property.
Cars may not be parked in yards. “Stationary” or un-used cars may not be parked in the Village.

Thoughts or concerns, please Email us at: info@windridgevillagehoa.com

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